First foray into cooking was through Silver Palate Cookbook

I read today that Sheila Lufkin, the author of “Silver Palate Cookbook 25th Anniversary Edition” (Julee Rosso, Sheila Lukins) had passed away. I was struck that her cookbook got me started cooking when i was just out of college, some 25 years ago. During my weekends to NYC from Boston where I attended college, many people were talking about her recipes and her catering company. Many of my most memorable dishes and dinner parties, through my early 20s, 30s and often now with my family, consist of simple dishes that I learned to cook from book. Salut! Here is my favorite recipe from her book. It’s not French, but Spanish/Moroccan, named after a beautiful seaside resort Marbella, where we visited with our friends Jose, just last summer….

[From Chicken Marbella Silver Palate Cookbook Recipe at]
